Map Location of Zmijowiska

Zmijowiska Home

The map below shows the locations of Wielkie Oczy and Zmijowiska. The yellow broken line on the map denotes the border between Poland (to the left) and Ukraine (to the right). Today Zmijowiska is in southeastern Poland.


The snippets below from entries on the passenger manifests of the S.S. Konigen Luise (Chaim arrived in NY 29 June 1898) and the S.S. Rotterdam (Mendel/Max arrived in NY on 18 June 1900) show Zmijowiska to be the last residence before their emigration to the United States. 

The brothers each note their final destination to be Boston, MA, and it appears that Chaim was preceded by the brothers' sister Chaya Nesche Bass née Wassner (b. 1858) who passed away on May 11, 1898 in Plymouth, MA from Typhoid Fever.